Jesus brought new tidings into this world—the message of another order of all things. For the present world order this message means judgment and revolution of the whole of life. This message concerns the coming reign of God, which must bring to an end the present age with its glorification of man.
- Eberhard Arnold
- Eberhard Arnold, 1925 Writings SelectedWe love the activity of mind and spirit, too: the richness of all the creative arts and the intellectual and spiritual exploration of history and humanity. Whatever our work, we must recognize and do the will of God in it. And God has entrusted the earth to us not only as an inheritance but also as a task: our garden must become God’s garden, and our work must further God’s work.
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God is always ready. With the intensity of his holy will, he longs for people of faith to speak, pray, live, and believe so completely in the living Jesus that he is at last able to intervene and act as he has always wanted to act. In answer to our faith, and to the measure of our faith, everything will be done just as we ask. There is no wall, no mountain, and no barrier too high for the prayer of faith.
- Eberhard Arnold
In today’s world situation it is essential that here and there among people there continue to exist rays of light and hope, spiritual realities by which the unity of God’s peace and the brotherliness of true justice are recognized. This is our only task.
- Eberhard Arnold